01 Jul Must-have Wedding Details on Your Wedding Day
Must-have Wedding Details on Your Wedding Day
Every couple is new to weddings and especially when it comes down to the planning, it can be pretty overwhelming. You do not have any experience in planning a wedding. Things may go wrong if you do not have a professional to guide you along. Most couples will ask their friends and relatives who have gotten married before but bear in mind that all weddings are different. All weddings are very unique and personalized for each couple, and as such, you cannot copy or imitate each others’ experiences.
Worry not, we are here to help. We have put together a guideline of a list of things that you can prepare before your photographers arrive. Make sure that you have them ready prior to your wedding day. You do not want to spend time running around to search for the items on that day itself.
Below are the Must-have Wedding Details on Your Wedding Day:-
One of the very first items we will ask before your wedding is your wedding itinerary. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have a detailed itinerary. Give a copy to your friends and vendors who are helping you on that day so everyone knows what is happening and what to expect next. Everyone should follow the itinerary and get things done within the given timeframe, especially if you have a specific auspicious time to follow.
We understand planning a wedding is not easy. There will be tons of last-minute changes and amendments until the very last minute. Hence, our team will not ask for an itinerary at such an early stage. We will always ask for the final itinerary closer to your wedding day.
If you are not sure on How to plan a Chinese Wedding Itinerary, check out our blog post here.
Google Map/ Waze Location
Share your venue location with the photographers. Of course, our team will check where is the location based on the given address. However, they may still go wrong sometimes because there may be an area with an almost similar name nearby. Give them an exact location, they can hit on the location and go straight to your place. Taking extra precautions is always good to avoid photographers going to the wrong place, thereby ensuring that timing is not delayed.
If you can prepare all your wedding details, your photographer can create a nice wedding flatlay for you.
Wedding Details for Bride:-
Bridal Gown
Bridal Shoes / Heels
Wedding Bands + Engagement Ring (3 rings)
Bridal Bouquet & Corsages
Invitation Card
Vows Card
Bridal Fan
Wooden Hangers
Customized Stationaries
Bridal Party Gifts
Wedding Details / Customized items
Wedding Details for Groom:-
Full Suit
Bow Tie
Invitation Cards
Above are the must-have wedding details on your wedding day.
Note: Not all the items that you have prepared are suitable for the flatlay. Photographer will choose what is suitable to put in the frame.
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